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Are you willing to make a positive change? Join the thousands of individuals on the same fitness journey!

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English Macedonian

The Power of Habit: How to Make Fitness a Daily Habit

Introducing healthy habits is a difficult and painstaking process, because it usually involves changing previously known patterns in terms of diet and exercise, that is, introducing new, different systems.

People usually set unrealistic goals that discourage and demotivate them, that’s why Toshe Zafirov, personal trainer, believes that the key to the success of quality exercise is following a specific method

Key Takeaways:

  • Start gradually and be regular
  • Set clear and specific goals:
  • Establish a regular workout routine that suits your schedule and preferences
  • Incorporating exercises or physical activities that you genuinely enjoy

How to acquire daily habits?

Look at the following suggestions that will help you to get into the habit more easily.

Exercise first thing in the morning

It is very difficult for someone who is not used to exercising in the middle of the day, for example after work, you come home tired and now you have to get ready, go to the gym for example, and when you are done, you have to take a shower, prepare and return home and imagine that most of us have children, husband, wife, we also need time for them, so women need time to clean the house, make lunch, etc…, if you exercise late at night, it can disturb your sleep. Try to get up an hour earlier, do the exercises and then start all the other activities of the day, with much more energy, enthusiasm

Pro Tip
Set your alarm across the room from your bed. This forces you to physically get out of bed to turn it off, making it easier to resist the temptation to snooze. By starting your day with movement, you’ll kickstart your metabolism and feel energized throughout the day.

Dread your target

For example, you can decide to exercise three times a week and stick to it. Measure your progress, which means there is a way to track progress, which could be recording the weights you lift or the distance you run each week. Be realistic, that is, that you can achieve the goal in the given time frame. You should also find your “why” in order to achieve the goal more easily. Trust yourself, meaning that the goal can have a specific deadline, whether it’s four weeks or six months.

And Toshe recommends adding emotions, that is, how you will feel when you reach your goal. Emotions will make your goals real, so pay attention to them too.


Instead of focusing on the big picture and feeling overwhelmed, break your goals down into smaller,,


The determination and the knowledge that we affect our health very well if we exercise regularly can definitely lead us to the disciplines of regular exercise. You must not let anyone or anything interfere with your decision to exercise. Some people consider this discipline as something that is mandatory and act like it (without much thought). Thus, consider exercise as a mandatory and important meeting (but this time a meeting with yourself). Also, if you pay for an individual class, you will also lose money by skipping classes. With Toshe’s fitness group, you will complete every workout, the team in the group cheers you on all the time so that you can get the most out of your body..

Changing the types of training and changing the environment

Exercise is not just about working out in the gym or gym. Keep in mind that you can do the exercises outdoors. So, outdoor areas, parks, beaches or your own backyard can be your environment for doing physical activity. You can also create a daily route for yourself and cycle or walk a certain distance. In this way you will change your daily routine if you always exercise in the same way and the daily dose of activity will be satisfied.


Avoid making sudden and drastic changes to your training routine.

Determine your time for physical activity

Many people work more efficiently if they have their own exact time for a particular activity. That way you can determine the exact time, ie. the period of the day when you are physically active. On the other hand, some people like to change that custom all the time. Try different options, analyze what you like best and find the ideal solution for you

Healthy sleep and nutrition

Lack of sleep, as well as poor quality and short sleep, lead to emotional fluctuations on a daily basis. This emotional instability has a knock-on effect on all the responsibilities you carry out throughout the day. It also depends on your readiness and efficiency for exercise. Of course, healthy sleep will help you exercise daily with greater desire and will, and a healthy and balanced diet full of vitamins and minerals will have the same effect.


Aim to maintain regular sleep and meal times to establish a routine.


Regardless of the type of workout you have, you can also customize the music to which you will do the workout. It is known that music is very effective and affects a person’s mood. In this way, you can increase your motivation and training efficiency. For example, it is known that yoga exercises are accompanied by relaxing music, while cardio or some dynamic exercises are accompanied by faster music. Customize the playlist for yourself and realize your quality training.

Bottom Line

Making fitness a daily habit requires regularity, clear goals, and a routine that fits your lifestyle. Start gradually, find activities you enjoy and track your progress to stay motivated. Make fitness fun, find a partner to cheer you on, and celebrate your successes. Embrace flexibility and focus on long-term benefits. By incorporating these strategies into your fitness journey, you can establish a habit that promotes your overall health. Remember, small steps and consistent effort lead to significant results

Frequently Asked Questions

The time it takes to form a habit varies from person to person. On average, it can take anywhere from 21 to 66 days. Discipline is key to developing a fitness habit.

If traditional workouts don't appeal to you, explore alternative physical activities. Try dancing, walking, swimming or joining a sports team. Find activities that you genuinely enjoy, as this will increase your motivation and the likelihood that you will stick with them.

It is normal to occasionally miss training due to unforeseen circumstances or other commitments. Don't let one missed workout derail your progress. Instead, get back on track as soon as possible and resume your regular exercise routine. Consistency over time is what matters most.

Remember that fitness is a journey, and results take time. Focus on the non-physical benefits of exercise, such as increased energy levels and improved mood. Set small, achievable goals along the way to stay motivated and celebrate your progress, even if it's not immediately apparent.

A gym membership is not necessary for fitness to become a habit. There are many home workouts, outdoor activities, and online resources available that can help you stay active without a gym membership. Choose the option that matches and suits your lifestyle.

Consistency can be a challenge, but it is essential to building a fitness habit. Find an accountability partner, schedule your workouts in advance, and be reminded of the benefits. Celebrate the small victories and remember that progress is made one step at a time.

Yes, you can. Include your family in your fitness journey. Include physical activities that you can enjoy together, such as family walks, bike rides, or outdoor games. By making fitness a family affair, you're not only establishing a habit for yourself, but also promoting a healthy lifestyle for your loved ones.

Keep reminding yourself of the reasons why you started your fitness journey. Focus on the positive impact it has on your overall well-being. Surround yourself with a supportive community, set new goals, and regularly assess and adjust your exercise routine to keep it engaging and challenging.

Absolutely. Rest days are crucial for muscle recovery and injury prevention. Listen to your body and incorporate rest days into your weekly routine. They help replenish energy levels and allow your muscles to repair and grow, contributing to overall fitness progress.


Tose Zafirov

I have dedicated my life to professional fitness. It’s my passion and life’s work. With over 26 years of experience, I am willing to share everything I have learned within the industry. If you love sports as much as I do, this blog is the place to be!

Official Mr. Olympia Representative

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