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Best Magnesium Supplements

Do you get enough magnesium through your diet? Half of the world’s population isn’t. Discover the best magnesium supplements to help you meet your daily needs.

Tose Zafirov

Mr. Olympia Representative

Introducing Magnesium

Did you know that one out of two people doesn’t meet the estimated average requirement of magnesium through food? This is devastating, knowing that it is essential for our body to function at full steam. What’s more disappointing is that countless foods are packed with magnesium, yet half of the nation worldwide isn’t getting enough of it daily.

So, where does the problem lie? People either oversee the importance of magnesium intake or don’t know where to get it. So, let’s help you out.

If you cannot meet your needs, or have a condition that affects your magnesium intake and absorption, then the easiest way to get the right dose is to turn to supplements. Magnesium supplements come in many shapes and forms, but they all have in common: they’ll give your body the essential mineral, and you’ll notice extraordinary health benefits.

In this article, we’ll review the benefits of using magnesium supplements, the right amount you should consume, and the side effects of using too much. We’ll also teach you some tricks on choosing the best supplement and give you a list of the top 10 magnesium supplements.

Key Takeaways:

  • Magnesium is an essential mineral that naturally occurs in our bodies
  • There are many types of magnesium, each offering different benefits
  • Magnesium offers many health benefits, but overconsumption can also cause serious side effects

What Is Magnesium?

Magnesium is a vital mineral and the fourth most abundant mineral in your body. It is a cofactor in more than 300 enzyme systems that regulate diverse biochemical reactions in the body, including protein synthesis. This mineral contributes to a healthy immune system, bone strength, blood sugar control, muscle and nerve function, blood pressure regulation, healthy sleep, and much more.


Magnesium naturally occurs in our bodies, but it can also be found in many foods such as nuts, seeds, whole grains, leafy green vegetables, and fiber-rich foods.

Types of Magnesium & Potential Side Effects

Different types of supplements contain different forms of magnesium. There are several forms, and each has its medical use, potential side effects, and different level of bioavailability.

Here are the most common types of magnesium with their potential risks and side effects:

  • Citrate: is one of the most popular forms and is highly bioavailable. The potential side effects of this form include diarrhea, abdominal cramping, nausea, electrolyte imbalance, and vomiting.
  • Sulfate: this form is commonly known as Epsom salt, and people often use it as an addition to baths or foot soaks to relieve aching muscles. Potential side effects from this form are low core body temperature, low blood pressure, flushing, drowsiness, and poor reflexes.
  • Chloride: This magnesium is found in topical supplements and skin care products. Its potential side effects include sweating, flushing, low core body temperature, and a significant decrease in blood pressure.
  • Oxide: this form is the least bioavailable among the group and can’t be used to treat magnesium deficiency. It’s commonly used to treat heartburn and digestive issues. Side effects of this form include diarrhea, bloating, stomach upset, and gas.

Why Do We Need Magnesium? Top 10 Benefits

As we already said, magnesium is a vital mineral, and we need it for our bodies to work properly. It has countless benefits, and people who have magnesium-rich diets can lower their chances of getting any disease.

Let’s look at all the wonders it can do for your body.

Improves Bone Health

Did you know that 60% of the body’s magnesium is stored in the bones? This essential mineral takes part in bone-building cell activity and calcium regulation through the parathyroid hormone. It also impacts the concentration of vitamin D in the body, and we all know how important it is for maintaining bone health.

Some researches show that people with magnesium deficiency are more prone to getting osteoporosis. So, supplements are an excellent way to reduce your risk of getting this disease.

Helps With Type 2 Diabetes

Research suggests that 45% of people with type 2 diabetes have low blood levels of magnesium. Therefore, this indicated that people who consume the mineral regularly have lower chances of getting type 2 diabetes.

Supplements can enhance insulin sensitivity and even improve blood sugar levels in people at risk for type 2 diabetes.

Boosts Your Exercise Performance

Magnesium helps move blood sugar into the muscles and dispose of lactate, which causes fatigue. We need more of it during exercise than when resting, so if you’re a gym enthusiast, it’s time to incorporate this mineral into your routine.

Supplements can improve your exercise performance and increase muscle mass and power. Some studies have even shown that the mineral can protect against muscle damage.

Helps You Fight Depression and Anxiety

Low levels of magnesium have been linked to an increased risk of depression. Since it plays a huge role in brain function, consuming supplements can help lower the risk of depression and even reduce symptoms in people who already suffer from it.

Furthermore, these supplements can also help treat and prevent anxiety.

Improves Your Heart Health

If you want a healthy and strong heart, then you need magnesium. Such supplements can help you lower high blood pressure levels and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.


Some studies show magnesium supplements improve risk factors for heart diseases, such as LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides.

Reduces Inflammations in The Body

People with low levels of magnesium have increased levels of inflammation. Therefore, regularly consuming supplements decreases CPR levels, a marker indicating serious inflammation in the body.

Helps You With Migraines

Migraines are serious conditions that can be painful and cause nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to noise and light.

Fortunately, magnesium supplements can help you prevent and treat migraines. Essentially, the mineral is truly effective in reducing migraine symptoms and provides relief from acute attacks.

Relieves PMS Symptoms

PMS can be devastating for some women, and it causes symptoms such as painful abdominal cramps, tiredness, water retention, and irritability. Magnesium supplements can come in handy for these women because they can relieve PMS symptoms and menstrual cramps.

Studies have shown that women consuming 250mg of the mineral daily experience less bloating, depression, and anxiety during their PMS days.

Provides For Better Sleep

Magnesium regulates gamma-aminobutyric acid, which is a neurotransmitter involved in sleep. Therefore, these supplements are often the most natural remedy for insomnia and other sleeping issues.

Studies show that regular mineral intake can improve sleep quality and duration. It can even lower the time it takes people to fall asleep.

Involved In Hundreds Of Biochemical Reactions in The Body

Magnesium is such an important mineral that it’s even involved in more than 500 reactions in the body, such as:

  • Protein formation: uses amino acids to create new proteins
  • Energy creation: converts food into energy
  • Muscle movement: helps with muscle contraction and relaxation
  • Gene maintenance: creates and repairs DNA and RNA
  • Nervous system regulation: it regulates neurotransmitters


Although magnesium is safe for almost everyone, people with impaired kidney function, infants, kids, people consuming magnesium-rich foods, and people taking certain medications may not benefit from one such supplement.

How Much Magnesium Should You Take?

Although it offers many health benefits, it’s important not to exceed the daily recommended dose.

In general, we recommend sticking to 400 mg of magnesium a day. However, if you’re not experiencing deficiency, supplementing with 200mg will be sufficient for your body to function properly. On the other hand, if you’re deficient, you can take anywhere from 250-600mg a day.


Consult with your doctor or pharmacists before taking any supplement. High doses of magnesium can cause significant side effects.

Common Signs of Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium deficiency can be caused by starvation, certain medications, acute or chronic diarrhea, or gastric pay bass surgery. Some health conditions, such as poor absorption, diabetes, and celiac disease, can also lead to magnesium loss.

Here are some of the common signs of magnesium deficiency:

  • Muscle cramps: also include tremors, twitches, seizures, and convulsions
  • Mental health conditions: apathy, mental numbness, lack of emotion, delirium, coma, depression, anxiety
  • Osteoporosis: weaker bones and reduced bone mass
  • Fatigue and muscle weakness: physical or mental exhaustion, weakness, severe fatigue, muscle weakness
  • High blood pressure: increased blood pressure can also lead to heart diseases
  • Asthma: constricted airways
  • Irregular heartbeat: arrhythmia, shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness
  • Loss of appetite: significant weight loss


Some of these signs can also indicate a serious health condition. If you experience serious muscle cramps that don’t go away, if you’re blood pressure is extremely high, or regularly experience arrhythmia, check it with your doctor.

Risks of Too Much Magnesium

The most important thing to remember when consuming supplements is to do it in moderation. That is to say, follow the instructions on the product and ensure you get the daily recommended dose and not more.

Excessive use of magnesium is bad for your body, and it can cause serious side effects, including:

  • Lethargy
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Facial flushing
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach cramps
  • Depression
  • Low blood pressure
  • Urine retention
  • An irregular heartbeat
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Cardiac arrest


It’s nearly impossible to get magnesium overdosed from a healthy diet. Also, severe overdoses are rare in healthy people.

What To Look For In A Magnesium Supplement?

To choose the most effective magnesium supplement, you must consider certain criteria. Not all supplements contain the best ingredients, but if you follow our instructions, you’ll be able to choose the best one.

Third-Party Testing

Supplements tested by a third party are sent to a lab where they’re thoroughly tested to see exactly what they contain and whether the product is contaminated.

To ensure that the product you’re getting is top-quality, choose a supplement with a certificate from a reliable company, like USP, NSF, or ConsumerLab.

However, we also need to emphasize that products with no certificate don’t indicate that they’re the worst on the market. Some brands offer excellent quality, even though they don’t hold any certificates. So, the best action is to do proper market and brand research before purchasing anything.

Type & Form

Magnesium comes in many forms, including tablets, capsules, powder, liquid, and even cream. To make things even more difficult, that same supplement can come in various forms, including citrate, aspartate, lactate, glycinate, taurate, malate, and chloride.

Choose a form of magnesium based on your specific needs. Also, if tablets or capsules are hard to swallow, you can always get a top-quality powder or liquid.

Some brands offer supplements in chelated form. This indicated that the magnesium is bound to another substance, like glycine. This type has a higher absorption rate because it can bypass the usual way magnesium gets absorbed. Other easily absorbable forms include citrate, aspartate, chloride, or lactate.

Ingredients and Potential Interactions

Carefully read the ingredients list to know exactly what your chosen supplement contains. Some medications can interact even with the most popular magnesium supplements and affect your body.

If you take diuretics, proton pump inhibitors, antibiotics, or bisphosphonates to treat osteoporosis, consult your doctor before consuming the magnesium supplements. The reason for this is that the mineral has the potential to reduce the absorption of some medications.


Always choose a supplement that clearly states the supplement dosage, as people of different age groups need different amounts of magnesium. There are also special considerations for certain groups, such as pregnant women or those breastfeeding. Also, always opt for a safe dosage and serving size.

Additional Ingredients

The best supplements are made from high-quality ingredients and don’t contain any artificial colors or preservatives. Furthermore, some of them contain other beneficial vitamins and minerals that can positively affect your well-being. For instance, top magnesium supplements include B vitamins, zinc, melatonin, and calcium; some can even contain ashwagandha and melatonin.


We hope we have educated you enough about the importance of magnesium and what it can do for our bodies, health, and overall well-being. The best way to consume a nutrient, or a mineral, in this case, is through a balanced and nutritive-rich diet. But although countless delicious foods are rich in magnesium, most people cannot meet their needs through their diet alone.

Supplements are the best option to get our body’s proper amount of magnesium. Although there are many available brands and products on the market, we must remind you that supplements are not regulated and approved by the FDA. So, look for brands that have undergone testing and brands that have a good reputation.

Lastly, remember, less is more when it comes to supplements, so don’t take more than the recommended dose!

Frequently Asked Questions

Magnesium supplements are 100% safe for most people as long as they consume the daily recommended dose. Although it’s rare, excess use of magnesium supplements can lead to health issues. To be safe, follow the manufacturer’s instructions and don’t consume more.

The most effective form of magnesium is magnesium citrate. This is also the most popular form among consumers because it has high bioavailability and can be easily absorbed into the body. It is the best for treating magnesium deficiency, but it’s also great for constipation.

We recommend taking magnesium supplements if you have trouble getting enough magnesium through your diet. So, supplements are the best option for those experiencing magnesium deficiency. Still, don’t consume these supplements if you consume heart medications, diuretics, or antibiotics.

We recommend not consuming more than 400 mg of magnesium a day. However, 200mg will suffice if you don’t have a magnesium deficiency. On the contrary, a magnesium deficiency will ask for 250-600 mg of magnesium daily.

Yes, you can, and it will lead to a magnesium overdose. Although it rarely happens, magnesium overdose can cause vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, stomach cramps, depression, lethargy, low blood pressure, and irregular heartbeat.

You can consume magnesium supplements daily if you follow the manufacturer’s instructions and don’t exceed the recommended dose.

Magnesium supplements can be taken at any time of the day, meaning it all depends on your preference. Some people enjoy taking them after getting up, while some do before going to bed; it’s all up to you.

Many foods are rich in magnesium, including green leafy vegetables such as spinach and collard greens; legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, peanut butter; chicken breasts, soymilk, avocado, blackberries, kiwi, bananas, grapefruit, cantaloupes, and guavas.

Magnesium reduces stress, helps the body relax, helps you sleep longer, and improves sleep quality.

The best form of magnesium to help you fight insomnia is magnesium glycinate because it contains the sleep-inducing amino acid glycine.

Magnesium plays a huge role in brain function. So, supplements can help lower the risk and relieve anxiety symptoms after regularly consuming magnesium for six weeks. It also helps with depression.

Regularly consuming magnesium supplements can help you lower your blood pressure. The best form for managing high blood pressure is Magnesium taurate.

Still, if you constantly have high blood pressure, don’t rely on magnesium supplements only; check with your doctor.

Magnesium supplements are beneficial for people who don’t have a balanced diet, people with gastrointestinal issues, people who suffer from migraines, pregnant women, lactating women, people with diabetes, older adults, and people with a history of alcohol dependence.

Magnesium supplements should not be consumed by people with impaired kidney function, infants, kids, or people who consume magnesium-rich foods and take diuretics, antibiotics, bisphosphonates, and Proton Pump Inhibitors.

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